Santa Claus 2021 support gift to SOS-Children’s village

This year, the Santa Claus together with its partners will support the activities of the SOS Children’s Village and, in particular, the activities of Apuu-chat, which help children and young people. Many children still need professional help in situations of bullying, anxiety, and when caring their loved ones.

The aim of SOS Children’s Village is to provide help and support to children and young people in difficulty at the earliest possible stage. In acute situations, Help Chat provides an easy way for children ages 7 to 15 to ask for help when they feel insecure or threatened. Chat service, which opened in the spring of 2020, has already been contacted almost 20,000 times.

Through the chat, the on-call services refer the children to the child welfare services of their municipality if necessary, or in the most serious cases they call the emergency center. The chat is answered by SOS Children’s Village’s child protection professionals with volunteer on-call staff.

More information about SOS Children’s SOS-Lapsikylä – tukea lapsille, nuorille ja perheille (

More information on the activities of the Santa Claus Foundation

The Santa Claus Foundation’s 2021 support gift has been made possible by all of the Santa Claus Foundation’s partners